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Implant-Supported Dentures

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures, or “implant dentures,” involve a series of dental implants that act as the anchor for a set of removable artificial teeth. As an advanced alternative to traditional dentures, this dental implant type is highly beneficial for patients missing one or both arches of their teeth. Instead of replacing each missing tooth with an individual dental implant, patients can often benefit from a set of dental implants supporting a custom denture.

By attaching the denture to a foundation of implants, this creates a strong teeth replacement, making it possible for patients to eat their favorite foods, avoid the messes of traditional denture adhesives, and bypass the other inconveniences that come with traditional dentures. For more information about implant-supported dentures from Cornerstone Dental, visit the sections below.

Are Implant-Supported Dentures Right for Me?

The best way to learn if implant-supported dentures are the best teeth replacement option for your needs is to schedule an appointment with an experienced implant dentist, like Dr. John D. Beckwith. In general, you may benefit from this solution if you can relate to one or more of the following:

Dr. Beckwith performs a comprehensive exam for patients considering dental implant solutions, such as implant-supported dentures. In many cases, the All-on-Four or All-on-Six dental implant technique is recommended for patients, which entails at least four to six dental implants to support a permanently fixed set of artificial teeth. However, a removable implant denture can be a viable option for those who do not have enough bone density for the All-on-Four or All-on-Six technique.

If you are not considered a good candidate for either of these solutions, Dr. Beckwith will recommend other options based on your unique needs. Some patients may still be eligible for mini dental implants to support a denture.

What Does the Implant-Supported Denture Procedure Involve?

Step 1: The Procedure Is Planned

Your implant-supported denture process will begin with extensive planning by your implant dentist. Dr. Beckwith conducts a thorough oral evaluation and utilizes advanced imaging technology, including the ScanX Digital Panoramic X-Ray System and CBCT scans, to map the structures of your mouth and create a precise plan for your computer-guided surgery. By planning your procedure with the utmost accuracy, Dr. Beckwith can maximize the success rate of your dental implants and reduce your risk of complications.

Step 2: The Dental Implants Are Placed

Once the planning of your implant-supported denture is complete, Dr. Beckwith will begin the surgical process. During this appointment, you can opt for oral-conscious sedation to help you relax during your procedure. Throughout your surgery, Dr. Beckwith will strategically place each dental implant into the predetermined position that will best support your denture.

Once the implants are placed, mini dental implants may be placed into the gum tissue to help support your temporary restoration. Over the course of three to six months, the dental implants should gradually fuse with the surrounding jawbone, creating a secure foundation for your permanent restoration.

Step 3: The Final Restoration Is Completed

After the three- to six-month period has concluded and your dental implants have sufficiently fused with your jawbone, you are ready for your final denture, which you will be able to temporarily remove as needed. Dr. Beckwith custom-fabricates every dental implant restoration to ensure the most comfortable fit and natural-looking appearance. He utilizes high-quality materials that are durable and look natural, allowing you to feel confident in your final result for years to come.

How Long Do Implant-Supported Dentures Last?

Dental implants can last a lifetime when cared for properly, making implant-supported dentures a long-lasting teeth replacement option. Traditional dentures often need to be replaced over time as the jawbone recedes, but since implant-supported dentures are anchored by implant posts, this minimizes the deterioration of bone tissue. As a result, patients can keep their original full arch prosthesis for many years.

How Much Do Implant-Supported Dentures Cost?

The cost of implant-supported dentures is highly customized based on the details of each patient’s unique treatment plan. Although the price will be higher than traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures offer extensive benefits that patients often report is more than worth the investment. You can learn more about the cost of individual implants by visiting our dental implant cost page.

At the conclusion of your consultation with Dr. Beckwith, our team can provide you with a personalized quote to help you budget for your procedure. If you would like to divide your total cost into smaller, more manageable payments, we accept a number of dental financing options. In addition, our in-house insurance plan — the Cornerstone Premier Dental Plan — offers several ways for you to save.

To learn if implant-supported dentures are right for you, please contact Cornerstone Dental to schedule an appointment with Dr. Beckwith.